
Il nostro know-how a tua disposizione

Passione, competenza e anni di esperienza in tutto il mondo nel campo dell’irrigazione sono ciò che alimenta la Komet Academy. Una serie di webinar, che forniscono il know-how per un’irrigazione efficiente ed efficace in modo completo e facilmente comprensibile. Dalla progettazione perfetta del vostro impianto di irrigazione a campi di applicazione specifici: grazie alla Komet Academy troverete risposte alle vostre domande.

Registrati ai nostri seminari online gratuiti

Building a better sprinkler package

Building a Better Sprinkler Package

La corretta progettazione del vostro sistema pivot è fondamentale per un’irrigazione di successo. Affinché il sistema funzioni in modo efficiente è necessario tenere conto di alcuni fattori quali le caratteristiche del suolo, le colture, la topografia e le condizioni meteorologiche. Imparate le basi di un buon piano boccagli con la Komet Academy.

Prossimo: 10 Febbraio 2025

9 AM Central Standard Time
4 PM Central European Time

Lowering application intensity

Lowering Application Intensity

Un eccessivo tasso di applicazione dell’acqua può comportare una ridotta infiltrazione della stessa nel terreno o causare danni ai semi e alle colture delicate. La riduzione efficace del tasso di applicazione dell’acqua, al fine di prevenire l’impermeabilizzazione del terreno e dei ruscellamenti, si ottiene con modelli di progettazione messi a punto da Komet Academy.

Prossimo: 11 Febbraio 2025

9 AM Central Standard Time
4 PM Central European Time

Wheel track options

Wheel Track Options

Un’irrigazione non corretta attorno alle ruote del sistema pivot può causare problemi sulla traccia delle ruote. È essenziale trovare la soluzione giusta affinché la traccia delle ruote resti asciutta e allo stesso tempo si possa fornire un’irrigazione efficiente e sufficiente intorno alle ruote stesse. La Komet Academy vi mostra come si fa.

Prossimo: 17 Febbraio 2025

9 AM Central Standard Time
4 PM Central European Time


Trouble Shooting

Un sistema di irrigazione malfunzionante può lasciare rapidamente le sue tracce nello sviluppo della coltura. Che si tratti di problemi di natura agronomica o meccanica, è necessario identificarli e risolverli immediatamente. Imparate a farlo, con la Komet Academy.

Prossimo: 18 Febbraio 2025

9 AM Central Standard Time
4 PM Central European Time

Irrigation training: End of System Solutions

Soluzioni End Of System

La corretta tecnica di irrigazione nella parte finale di un sistema di irrigazione meccanizzato può massimizzare significativamente la resa. Inoltre, lasciare l’area alla fine del sistema senza un’adeguata irrigazione può avere un effetto enorme sullo sviluppo sano dell’intera coltura. Scopri l’importanza delle soluzioni end-of-system e i metodi disponibili per irrigare in modo efficiente anche la regione periferica del campo.

Prossimo: 24 Febbraio 2025

9 AM Central Standard Time
4 PM Central European Time



In certe condizioni vengono utilizzati i sistemi di tipo LEPA (Low Energy Precision Application). Tuttavia, per un’applicazione di successo è fondamentale sapere dove un sistema di irrigazione LEPA è appropriato e fare una corretta progettazione e programmazione. Imparate tutto sui LEPA nella Komet Academy.

Prossimo: 25 Febbraio 2025

9 AM Central Standard Time
4 PM Central European Time


Irrigation Academy Online

The key to excellence is to never stop learning. With this in mind, we have created the Komet Academy – a unique platform that allows us to share years of knowledge and expertise in the field of mechanized irrigation with passionate growers around the world.

The sessions are held by our in-house irrigation technicians with extensive experience in the field. Since early 2020, we have been offering our irrigation academy online and at different locations worldwide. In addition to the outstanding expertise on offer, the Komet Academy is distinguished by another exceptional characteristic: the contents of our irrigation courses are purely information-based and completely product-neutral.

The Komet Academy irrigation courses are open to anyone wishing to improve the health of their crop, the volume of their yield, and the efficiency of their mechanized irrigation system.

The very first Komet irrigation training took place as an in-person seminar at a Growers’ Meeting in the United States. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with several participants explaining that – even though they had been working with mechanized irrigation for years – there were numerous technical aspects of their irrigation system that they had never understood in such full detail. The idea of an irrigation technician training online audiences soon followed, and is now implemented on a regular basis to reach growers in every part of the world.

Each Komet Academy irrigation training session is packed with valuable information, instructions, case studies and illustrations – all presented in an easy-to-follow manner, rounded off by an informal Q&A.

Irrigation Training: The Perfect Sprinkler Package & Much More

Irrigation technicians training online audiences

Even the most experienced growers will benefit from the in-depth irrigation training offered at the Komet Academy.

Each irrigation training session is dedicated to a specific theme. For example, participants are able to learn how to design a sprinkler package that is optimized for their crop, soil type, climate and topography. Complex themes – such as crop-specific application rates, water chemistry, or the energy usage of different sprinkler types – are laid out in clear and simple explanations. Our irrigation experts also address subjects such as correct sprinkler spacing, height and overlap, as well as the impact of the right (or wrong) droplet size on soil integrity and crop health.

‘End-of-System Solutions’ is another topic that has proven highly popular with our irrigation academy’s online and in-person audience. In this particular irrigation training session, participants find out just how much productive area can be gained by irrigating the ground beneath the end spans and the overhang of their center pivot irrigation system. Another advantage of adding EOS devices is the ability to flush the pivot at the end of the system, where sand and debris tend to accumulate.

As well as outlining which types of devices are available for this purpose, our experts also explain why pivot pressure regulators play such a vital role in designing an efficient mechanized irrigation system. Though their importance is often underestimated, pivot pressure regulators (which ensure a consistent outlet pressure across the entire irrigation system) not only prevent accidental under or over-watering of the crop, but also increase the lifespan of the irrigation system’s sprinklers: all irrigators are designed to operate within specific flow and pressure ranges. By ensuring that the outlet pressure never strays outside these margins, the pivot pressure regulator helps prevent premature equipment wear.

Further topics discussed in our irrigation academy’s online and in-person sessions include the finely tuned balancing act that is required to achieve high-efficiency, low pressure irrigation whilst still maintaining a consistent droplet size and uniform water distribution across the entire cultivation area.

In theory, reducing an irrigation system’s water pressure is one of the most obvious ways to make its operation more efficient. In practice, however, it is not quite as simple as it might seem: the challenge is to lower the water pressure while still maintaining high-quality irrigation across the entire wetted area.

Once this perfect balance has been achieved, the center pivot irrigation system has to be regularly checked to identify potential operational and performance issues – before they can turn into problems of a greater magnitude. With the right know-how, most of the minor complications that commonly arise in center pivot irrigation systems over time – for example, decreased uniformity due to nozzles being obstructed by debris or excess air – can be quickly and easily corrected. If left unchecked, however, they can have severe knock-on effects – including yield loss, equipment damage and unnecessarily high energy usage.

Again, this is where the Komet Academy’s irrigation training can prove extremely useful. In our Academy session on ‘Troubleshooting’, our irrigation experts outline the interdependent relationship between center pivot, soil and crop, and show how this can be used to evaluate the system’s operation. Participants learn what signs to look out for, what the likely causes might be, and – most importantly – how to resolve them.

The Komet Academy program offers a level of irrigation training that is in a league of its own. A prime example is the seminar on the topic of ‘Wheel Track Options’. Conventional dry wheel track solutions tend to involve part-circle sprinklers with high application rates. This, however, can increase the likelihood of water run-off, resulting in muddy tracks that hinder the intended progress of the pivot. Those who join a Komet irrigation training session, however, will find out how to apply an Advanced Approach that combines dry wheel tracks with an optimized application rate on every square-inch of fertile soil.

The Komet Academy was born out of our long-standing passion for high-quality irrigation. In contrast to product-focused sales pitches, these irrigation training sessions are not about purchasing irrigators technicians have recommended. Instead, they offer highly informative, factual and product-neutral insights that are designed to make each participant an expert in their field.